Ok, so you might or might not have missed the boat on this week’s “fresh new start” Monday feeling and the new habits you, on Sunday, had told yourself you were going to take on this week. 

When we don’t live up to our own expectations, it’s so easy to start beating ourselves up, feeling like the whole race is lost anyway, simply because we showed up a little late to the start line. Thinking “well, I’ll start next week instead” and the cycle repeats again. Your disappointment with yourself grows. Perhaps you relate to this?  

How to break the cycle of self-disappointment

Sometimes when it comes to personal growth and creating lasting change, it’s not about the big, ambitious plans. Rather than thinking you’re going to hit the gym 4 times per week when last week's count was 0, clean out your whole bathroom cabinet, or go nuts at Whole Foods, thinking “it’ll be all kale and spirulina from here on out” - perhaps you’re someone who responds better to small, incremental changes that build over time. 

👉 Can you switch out one meal per day for a plant-based dish, drink a couple of glasses of water more every day, or start with one workout per week and establish that habit, to then slowly add one more? Don’t underestimate the impact of small, compounded improvements! 

One example is the positive change that can happen from our skincare routine, by choosing social impact-sourced products based on a deep-rooted mission to fight climate change and global poverty. Take care of yourself and the world around you at the same time! 

LXMI social impact skincare

When we remove some pressure for ourselves, we can create positive momentum by keeping those promises to ourselves. We start to relate to ourselves as someone who gets things done, boosted by avoiding that self-defeating loop of disappointment.

How to create sustainable change

Holding yourself accountable with gentleness and compassion is a fine balance. You don’t have to wait for Monday, New Year’s Eve or any set time to take the first step. Because it’s never too late to make a positive change, however big or small. 😘💪

LXMI How to create change

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